About Music Theory Centre
Welcome to Music Theory Centre!
Our goal is to make music theory; fun, practical and accessible. That is why we have developed an accessible and engaging music theory curriculum - because everybody deserves the chance to learn music theory.
We provide a contemporary and engaging approach to learning music so that it’s an enjoyable and rewarding experience. We are committed to making music theory as practical as possible, it is not about learning rules but learning how music actually works – so that you can use what you learn straight away in your own craft as you develop. Read below on how we are working to make our material accessible - for all types of learners at any level.
Whether you're a performer refining your skills, a composer crafting melodies, or a dedicated student, we have lessons to guide you. Immerse yourself in music and let us accompany you on your journey to elevate your skills and take your music to the next level. Welcome to the perfect place for nurturing your passion and expanding your musical understanding.
Explore how we can help you below, and if you need any support,
please get in touch with me at tom@musictheorycentre.com.

Tom Glasson - Music Theory Centre

Why We Exist​
I have found a lot of music theory lessons are taught in a very dry and boring way, more like a history or maths class. This isn't necessarily bad, and the teachers sure know their stuff, but it doesn't connect with a lot of musicians. And many of the musicians I know actually have a fear of music theory. They think it is something they just can't understand. And these are great musicians so why is this?
Musicians are creative people, and the truth is music theory is just not often taught in a creative way. It doesn't engage them. So I wanted to change this. I find music theory incredibly fun, and something that can be used creatively, to get the best out of our music. So I created Music Theory Centre to bring music theory to musicians. To make it creative, fun, and most importantly - practical. Theory isn't there for the sake of it, it can actually help us create the best music we can.
And so, our lessons are taught in an engaging and modern way to help you focus and actually learn what you need to know. All topics are shown with musical examples and animated graphics so you can see exactly what is going on. This will help you learn the music, and is something all types of learners can engage with.

The Music theory Foundation course is the best place to start learning music theory.
This is a 7 part series, which will introduce music theory to you from the very beginning. By the end, you will understand all the main concepts of music theory.
Learning music can be massively rewarding, wether you want to learn how to write or play music, or just gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the music you love listening to. You are at the start of an incredible journey, I'm excited for you!
If you need any help along your way, I'm always happy to be there for you, so get in touch at any time tom@musictheorycentre.com
Click below to find out more...
We are in the process of creating video courses for each Grade! Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Introduction to Music Theory
Coming Summer 2024
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Coming soon...
Next Steps in Music Theory
Coming Late 2024
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Check out our music theory lessons, these are short articles and videos covering all kinds of music theory topics ranging from the basics to an advanced level. Each grade of Music theory has a series of lessons which teaches the grade in order.
New articles and videos uploaded weekly.